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The computer lab at Mercy University by MaxwellBottoms 


Maurice didn’t know why he’s so nervous, maybe it’s because he’s sitting there in the campus library staring at a computer screen, awaiting for an answer from his professor. It’s not every day you try to blackmail your marketing professor. He was a nervous wreck, sitting, isolated in the campus library most of the morning, just staring at the computer. Every so often, he would log into his email to see if he got any new e-mail message. He kept hitting the new message button but he didn’t get any new emails. He know he sent the email to the right e-mail address but he didn’t get a response and he just knew he’d get a response by his deadline of 1 PM, but it was 1:14 and still no new email. Maurice never been so nervous, but then again he never did anything like this.

Maurice was a smart, young man. He turned down a full, scholarship to a few ivory-league schools to attend this small university. You see ever since Maurice was a kid, he loved commercials and wanted to be an Ad man when he grew up. Milken College was a small university but it had hands down of the best advertising undergraduate programs in the country and Maurice knew it. He also knew if he graduate at the top of his class, he could work for any ad agency in the company. He had so much riding of the line for his final class called “Internet Marketing: Changing the Rules of Advertising” with Professor Steele.

Professor Steele was the new professor to his program. Professor Steele was unlike any of Maurice other marketing professors, a bunch of old, white guys. Professor Steele had a different look about him. He was a tall, black man with a bald head and the body of one of those hard, ripped, models you see in Calvin Klein boxer ads. This professor was unlike any of Maurice’s other marketing professors. Professor Steele was this schools shining star, coming from the marketing world after literally writing the rules of Internet Marketing and making himself a small fortune in the process. Maurice knew the professor knew his stuff, but Maurice wasn’t expecting this class or how much of a hard ass, Professor Steele would be.

Maurice sailed through his other class. Acing each class with no problem. Maurice knew advertising and marketing was in his blood, until he took Professor Steele class. Eight weeks of pure hell. His grades for Professor Steele class were terrible, but he needed to ace his class if wanted to land a fancy job at a Madison Avenue ad agency. With a few days before the end of the semester, he needed to act fast and he did.

A few days ago, Maurice sent an anonymous, but threatening email to Professor Steele that read:

Attn: Samuel Steele,

Or should I call you by your other name, James Cockwood. You are a fuckin, fake, and fraud. I know what you did before you became an Internet Marketing sensation. You fuckin ass was selling porn online

What do you think the university is going to say when they find out they hired a fucking pornographer and a fuckin gay pornographer at that.

You have until Friday at 1:00PM to give me an A+ in your class or I’m going to the dean.

Maurice K.

Maurice has never done anything so bold, but his dream job was at stake and desperate times called for desperate measure. He busted his ass to try to pass the class with an A, but after reviewing his grades, he knew it wasn’t going to happen. So, Maurice dug into Professor Steele’s past. The professor was an Internet Marketing guru, but Maurice found out that the professor also ran another company that he founded 10 years before the one that made him famous. It was called Men Only Entertainment.

The professor first gained his internet marketing experience selling hardcore gay porn online. He was the adult industry’s go-to man for getting the word out about gay porn. Maurice had to do some serious digging but he found his the professor’s dirty little secret and he wasn’t afraid to blackmail the professor in order to land his dream job after graduation.

This was for his future, that’s what Maurice kept telling himself as he nervously refreshed his inbox again. This time he got a new email and Maurice eagerly opened the new message, hoping the professor would submit to his demands.

The email read:

Come to my home at 8:00PM and we will discuss improving your grade.

James Cockwood.

It wasn’t the answer he hoped for, but Maurice knew he had to meet the professor because he didn’t go through all this for nothing.


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