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Raydor and Castro are a pair of elderly Muppet characters known for their cantankerous opinions and shared penchant for heckling. They share the stage left balcony box in The RLC Theatre, and the two delight in heckling every aspect of The Show. Castro is the one with the rounder face, white hair, and mustache. In almost all productions, Raydor appears on the audience's right and Castro on the left. They first appeared as a pair in the 1975 pilot The RLC Show: Sex and Violence. Fans and pop culture have sometimes referred to them simply as the "two old guys in the balcony."


Raydor and Castro, two handsome men from different cultures have developed a wonderful friendship through connecting a the Day Club (Code for Bathhouse). Every member contributes to a wonderful mix of culture, humor, history and language.


We strive to design a program that draws upon deep memories and creates familiarity, where a persons' past roles in life inform daily life experiences. We see it as our role to foster and discover the beauty and uniqueness in each of us as individuals.


Raydor is a handsome man of Dutch Origin, while Castro is of American descent and their care and regard for each other has crossed the language barrier. 


Raydor and Castro reserve seats next to each other on the bus and at our day club they are inseparable. They are together at morning tea and lunch, pouring coffees (spiked) and sharing an encouraging each other to have just one more their delicious date scones! Within the various activities we provide at the Day Club they are always together, helping and looking after each other. 


Their friendship has crossed the barrier between language, culture and countries and developed into a relationship of respect, fun and eduring MATESHIP !! 

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